Just as you work hard to build your company, you should apply that same diligence to managing your financial affairs. Fortunately, you don’t have to become a financial expert yourself. Instead, find a trusted financial professional who can act as the “quarterback” and coordinate the appropriate financial, tax, insurance, and legal pros you need to minimize your taxes and maximize your after-tax results. Long-time financial advisor Brett Ellen has worked with high-net worth entrepreneurs and CEOs for years and in today’s show, he discusses several key tax-saving strategies you might want to consider.
John DiJulius started his first business, John Robert's Spa, 23 years ago. Today, it is consistently recognized as one of the top 20 salons in America. It didn't start out that way, though. As the company opened new salons, service began to deteriorate. Frustrated, John began studying the greatest customer service companies such as Ritz Carlton, Disney, and Nordstrom to discover their secret to embedding a service culture throughout multiple locations. In his research he stumbled upon the formula, codified it, and now spreads this radical customer service revolution message throughout the world. In today's episode, you'll learn the secret formula to use radical customer service to make price irrelevant.