If you want to grow your business, you don’t need salespeople. You need THE BEST salespeople, a top-notch team that’s constantly moving your product or service, making a great impression on your current customers, and spreading the good word about your company whe.never possible.
So, step one: load up your sales team with grade-A talent.
On today’s show, Chris Larkins explains the importance of step two: ditch your flat-rate commission structure, and align your sales comp with the BIG goals all those sales should be building towards
You are what you sell, or at least your business is. If you’re happy with the small sales your mediocre sales team delivers month after month, quarter after quarter, you’re going to stay small … that is, until your competitors blow right past you.
On today’s show, Bill Whitehead delves into the sales skills that separate top performers from the middle of the pack. Use Bill’s insights to supercharge your lagging sales team, or to identify the habits of high-performing replacements you should be targeting.