
CEO Coaching International Podcast

The CEO Coaching International podcast is designed to help entrepreneurs and CEOs grow their business, develop their people, and elevate their own performance. We’ll share what the best of the best are doing as it relates to entrepreneurial success, best practices, leadership, sales, marketing, personal development, and solving the challenges that business leaders face. You’ll hear from CEO Coaching International’s coaches, leading entrepreneurs, and other experts in a wide range of fields who have value to add to your work. If you’re an entrepreneur, CEO, or other business leader, this podcast is for you.
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CEO Coaching International Podcast











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Dec 21, 2021

Many small to mid-sized business owners are surprised to discover that TV advertising is much more cost-effective than they think. Sure, a Super Bowl ad costs millions for a 60-second spot. But you can be much more surgical in finding the right networks, the right day part, the right message, and fine tune your results based on the analytics to generate BIG growth on a very reasonable budget.

On today's show, Mic Feld explains how direct response TV advertising works and how you can use an insider's knowledge to get great results regardless of your budget.

Nov 30, 2021

Guest: LeAnn Boyd, President & CEO at Southern Scripts, which is a rapidly growing provider of pharmacy benefit management services throughout the United States.

Overview: Some entrepreneurs look at a market dominated by two or three major players and see an insurmountable barrier to entry. Others see a stagnant business space that's vulnerable to new thinking and BIG disruption. On today's show, LeAnn Boyd describes how she and her entrepreneur coach, Jaime Cohen Szulc, used our Making BIG Happen System to create a culture of innovation that redefined her company's value proposition and grabbed the attention of her target customer base.

Oct 19, 2021

Guest: Earle Pratt, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Earle is a seasoned CEO who has led companies in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America in the Education and EdTech, Franchising, and Financial Services markets. Earl has led multiple private equity backed businesses (investors include The Carlyle Group and Camden Partners) and has extensive experience prepping companies on both sides of a sale transaction.

Quick Background: What is the difference between selling your company and selling BIG? Preparation. CEOs eying an exit start planning to reach that finish line years in advance so that they can optimize both their businesses and that future opportunity. That longer runway also helps the CEO prepare for a major personal and professional transition once the sale is complete.

On today's show, Earle Pratt shares a five-step process that CEOs aiming for a sale should adopt sooner rather than later.

Oct 14, 2021

Guest: Emily Murphy, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Emily has held multiple leadership roles in the federal government, most recently serving as Administrator for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), the federal agency charged with managing 371 million square feet of office space, over $75 billion in governmentwide contracts, and a number of shared services.

Quick Background: Think you have problems managing, compensating, and inspiring your team? Well, imagine your workforce is more than 11,000 strong, you're overseeing a $37 billion budget, and both you and your organization are responsible for supporting the operation of the U.S. federal government.

On today's show, Emily Murphy discuses the specific strategies and tactics that she implemented within the GSA that led to BIG improvements in culture, employee engagement, and leadership scores, all while generating multi-billion-dollar increases in sales and revenue.

Sep 28, 2021

Guest: Kevin Adams, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Kevin's experience includes leadership roles in publicly-held, private equity-backed, and family-founded businesses including Isagenix, ConAgra Brands, International Home Foods, and Stella Foods.

Quick Background: No, "growing broke" isn't a contradiction in terms. It's what happens when a CEO's eyes get so wide that she loses perspective on what made the company special in the first place. Without that clear focus on what's really driving your growth, your business could wander off track and burn cash with every wayward step.

On today's show, Kevin Adams describes a four-part framework for achieving rapid growth that's centered on the "secret sauce" your company needs to make BIG happen.

Sep 14, 2021

Guest: Odmar Almeida-Filho, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Odmar has extensive global turnaround experience in consumer packaged goods, telecom and internet media technology, and consulting at companies including Procter & Gamble, Dell, Telefonica, and Amway.

Quick Background: If a struggling company is in need of a turnaround, usually the CEO needs to execute a personal turnaround too. That doesn't mean completely changing who you are as a leader. But it does mean that you'll need to place a renewed emphasis on certain leadership traits in order to reorganize and reenergize your company before a bump in the road turns into a gaping pit.

On today's show, Odmar Almeida-Filho explains the five-part roadmap he's used both as a CEO and as an entrepreneur coach to execute successful turnarounds that set struggling companies back on track.

Aug 31, 2021

Guest: Jerry Swain, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Jerry is a highly recognized, results-driven Chief Executive Officer with over 20 years of experience in executive leadership, planning, strategy, and business operations. He had a highly recognized career in sales management at IBM and other high-tech companies and was also the founder of a high-end specialty chocolate company that he later sold to a strategic buyer.

Quick Background: If sales are falling short, then your salespeople must be falling short. Right?

Only if you hired the wrong salespeople to begin with. Assuming you're putting a premium on matching top candidates to your company's specific needs, it could be your processes and training that need an overhaul.

On today's show, CEO Coaching International's Jerry Swain shares his four-step process for getting the best out of your existing salespeople and preparing your incoming wave of talent to hit the ground running.

Aug 17, 2021

Guest: Douglas DeBoer, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Douglas is a three-time CEO with extensive experience leading companies to strong growth and monetization outcomes. He has led companies and brands in the USA, China, and Asia-Pacific, including Domino’s Pizza, General Mills, Dunkin’ Donuts, Baskin-Robbins, Colgate-Palmolive, and Unilever.

Overview: There's a point in every growing company's lifecycle where you've achieved product-market fit and it's time to scale your business and expand your executive team. At this moment, a growing business is staring at both maximum opportunity and maximum risk. Try to grow too fast without the right people in your C-suite, and you could "grow broke." Aim too low and you might be missing your moment to achieve something really BIG.

On today's show, Douglas DeBoer walks us through his four-part framework for effectively navigating these critical moments and scaling your business.

Aug 3, 2021

Guest: David Friedman, the founder and CEO of CultureWise and the author of a great new book, Culture by Design.

Overview: Effective CEOs have systems, plans, and analytics that manage and measure nearly every aspect of their businesses. But many don't have a system for guiding the company's culture, which is arguably the most significant driver of BIG growth. On today's show, culture expert David Friedman explains how to build a powerful cultural operating system that replaces all those inspirational break room posters with a set of defined, teachable behaviors.

Jul 20, 2021

Guest: LaQuita Cleare, an international speaker, public speaking coach, and the CEO of Clear Communication Academy. She has extensive experience working with CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, public figures, and politicians in more than 50 countries across four continents, including many clients of CEO Coaching International.

Overview: People are not persuaded by information. An honest, well-crafted story that makes an audience feel something can make a lasting impression for both you and your business. Whether you're speaking at a conference or addressing your staff on Zoom, effective storytelling that showcases who you really are and gives your audience opportunities to engage with your main themes is key to connecting, inspiring, and making BIG happen.

Jul 13, 2021

Guest: Kurt Wilkin, a successful entrepreneur and CEO. He's the Co-Founder & Visionary of HireBetter, a company that impacts lives by connecting and empowering good people to build great companies. Prior to that, he founded, led, and sold The Controller Group, which was a professional services firm focused on accounting, technology and recruiting. Kurt is also an active member and officer of YPO.

Overview: Why are so many companies struggling to fill vacancies? According to hiring expert Kurt Wilkin, businesses that are stuck in a pre-pandemic mindset have to improve their value propositions and get creative about attracting the best talent. And just as importantly, CEOs have to demonstrate to prospective candidates that their passions run deeper than just turning a profit.

Jun 29, 2021

Guest: Lloyd Brown, the Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Smart Chemical Services, which has been named an Inc 5,000 Fastest Growing Company for three years in a row. Lloyd is also the author of a new book, Refined by Failure.

Overview: Failure hurts. But according to Lloyd Brown -- who was fired from a company he co-founded -- if a CEO is humble enough to admit mistakes, hold himself accountable, and work on improving blind spots, failure can also grant wisdom that you can use to make BIG happen going forward.

Jun 1, 2021

Guest: Matt Shearer, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Matt is a highly motivated business leader and brand management executive with over 23 years of experience building teams and driving results on a global scale. Matt spent over 20 years at Under Armour and played a major role in the early stages of brand and business development, with significant focus on elevating the brand on an international level. Matt is also a member of YPO and a former professional lacrosse player.

Episode in a Tweet: In business and sports, aligning the best players with a great gameplan is the only way to win BIG.

Quick Background: Business is a team sport. And the very best teams use strong culture and clearly defined goals to put great players in a position to win consistently.

On today's show, Matt Shearer explains how his experience as an athlete and sports brand executive influenced his leadership philosophy and team management strategies.

May 18, 2021

To find the right leaders for your team, you have to separate the true high performers from the pretenders who’ve been bobbing along in the high tide at other stellar companies. And to fill a key chair in your leadership team, you’ll also need to find candidates whose motivations and management styles fit with your company’s most pressing needs. 

On today’s show, Gordon Forsythe discusses how to vet and hire talent who will succeed within your culture and execute the tasks that will make BIG happen for your firm.

May 11, 2021

It's easy for CEOs to get so caught up in taking care of their businesses that we neglect an even more important responsibility: taking care of ourselves. Poor diet and exercise habits get compounded by no sleep and an excess of stress until one day you look in the mirror and can't recognize the person looking back at you. If you're not that lucky, you might not realize that go go go is no way to run a business until you're waking up in a hospital bed.

Luis Vargas was 60 pounds overweight and running on empty when he decided he needed to make self-care a BIG priority. On today's show, Luis shares the five elements he says he needed to win in order to transform his body, his mind, his business, and his life.

May 4, 2021

Guest: Megan Couch, the Chief Experience Officer at Integrity Staffing Solutions.

Overview: The millions of jobs lost to the COVID-19 pandemic have created a problem that many companies weren't anticipating: as the world begins reopening, the absolute best displaced workers have lots of options. Your total value proposition has to encompass culture, leadership opportunities, hybrid work models, and, yes, a competitive comp structure if you want to attract top talent.

Apr 20, 2021

For the first time in history, a company's workforce could span four generations. Aligning a diverse group of employees with such a wide range of life experiences could be especially challenging if you're also trying to keep your WFH teams connected with in-person staff and salespeople.

But in any business challenge there's also opportunity. If you can connect tried-and-true values with a new, more connected worldview, your employees will continually learn from each other, gain new skills and perspectives, and move your company in exciting new directions.

On today's show, Lew Jaffe shares how to effectively manage a multigenerational workforce towards BIG.

Apr 6, 2021

All CEOs have to grow into their roles. But for Kerry Siggins, becoming a leader has been a lifelong process of learning how to maximize her strengths while overcoming weaknesses that nearly killed her.

On today's show, Kerry discusses how she conquered her struggles with substance abuse and started to make BIG happen in her life and work.

Mar 22, 2021

Effective annual planning may be the single biggest differentiator between companies that stay small and those that get BIG. But the very best CEOs understand that the building up to your planning session and maintaining your exit velocity afterwards are just as critical to growth.

On today's show, Greg Fricks explains how his company implemented the annual planning process, the lessons they learned, and how this ongoing process has set them up for continued success.

Mar 9, 2021

Guest: Rafael Paniagua, a coach at CEO Coaching International. Rafael is an experienced global leader and a longtime YPO member who is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Prior to becoming a coach, Rafael was a CEO and President in the power, automation, and manufacturing industries, where he led ABB Brazil for seven years. He also led several global businesses as Group Vice President, managing more than 5,000 employees, 14 factories, and operating in more than 30 countries.

Episode in a Tweet: Going global could jump start your trajectory towards BIG.

Quick Background: The smaller your business is, the more vulnerable it is -- to customer attrition, to supply chain disruption, to ambitious competitors, or to fallout from a global pandemic. Now that you've completed your digital pivot, the size of your potential customer base is limited only by the scope and quality of your sales strategy. A little extra bandwidth and an office in an emerging market stocked with triple-A talent might be all you need to grow your business into an international success.

On today's show, Rafael Paniagua shares 4 keys to running a global business and how to make BIG happen by expanding geographically.

Feb 23, 2021

Many entrepreneurs and C-suite executives think they're ready to take the BIG job as CEO. But until you've sat in that chair and felt the weight of an entire company -- and the well-being of all its employees -- resting on your shoulders, it's hard to appreciate the level of responsibility you're taking on or anticipate how you as a leader will react to that responsibility.

On today's show, Douglas DeBoer shares five things every first-time CEO should be prepared to do to set up their company, their team, and themselves for BIG success.

Feb 9, 2021

We've talked a lot in the past year about how moments of disruption can provide entrepreneurs with a BIG opportunity to start a new business. And in this current environment, nimble startups and aggressive existing companies can identify and fulfill customer needs that their larger competitors might be overlooking.

That is, as long as the CEO has a clearly defined plan and enough resilience to tackle whatever unforeseen problems are around the corner.

On today's show, CEO Coaching International's Jeff Bledsoe explains how he led his food processing startup through the fire -- literally -- to $200 million in revenue and a BIG exit.

Jan 26, 2021

Accelerating your company's growth rate involves much more than just improving the sales skills of your team. It takes a combination of truly listening to and understanding what your clients need and positioning your people, services, and products as the ideal, one-stop solution. 

On today's show, John Giegerich shares five ways that businesses that have a solid foundation in place can take that next step and empower their sales force to deepen client relationships and generate BIG sales. 

Jan 19, 2021

One of the toughest parts of being a CEO is all the distractions. Everybody wants a piece of your time. So how do the best CEOs manage to perform at their peak without getting burned out? How do you develop this personal and work mastery?

On today's show, Bruce Bowser shares the key steps entrepreneurs and CEOs can take to take back their time and develop personal and work mastery.

Jan 12, 2021

For every Zoom call or Slack message that quickly becomes part of your daily workflow, there's a CRM system that doesn't quite integrate right, a customer service platform that misfires, or an inventory management system that's too cumbersome. Separating tech that could improve your business from so-called "upgrades" that will only cause more problems is going to be key to completing and refining your digital pivot.

On today's show, Mike Klaus shares a five-step process for defining, planning, executing, and reviewing your tech investments to make sure they're giving your margins, service, and efficiency a BIG boost.