Guest: Scott Belsky, Adobe's Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President of Design & Emerging Products. Scott cofounded the online creative community Behance, which was acquired by Adobe in 2012. He's also an author whose works include the Implications newsletter and the book The Messy Middle: Finding Your Way Through the Hardest and Most Crucial Part of Any Bold Venture.
Overview: The difference between a BIG idea fizzling out or becoming reality is execution. The CEO has to support innovation at every level of the company while also keeping that innovation organized around driving progress towards annual goals. Following creative ambitions without vision and focus could lead your business astray, or open the door for disruption from a nimble competitor.
On today's show, Scott Belsky discusses how leaders can find the right balance of talent, tech, and innovation to make ideas -- and BIG -- happen.
Guest: Wendy Mather, CEO of RDP Creative. Wendy and her team "bring creative ideas and stories to life through bespoke merchandise that people want to keep for years."
Overview: When you're sitting in the CEO's chair, there's only one step up left in an organization. But opportunities to grab an ownership stake are rare. CEOs who want a BIG piece of the pie have to be personally, professionally, and financially prepared to seize that moment.
On today's show, Wendy Mather explains how she purchased RDP Creative -- with a little help from some very supportive friends. She also discusses how she uses empathetic leadership and the power of positivity to shape a winning culture and Make BIG Happen.
Guest: Curt Gooden, CEO Coaching International's Chief AI Officer. Curt helps CEOs define and realize their AI vision and meaningfully integrate AI into their business strategy and operations by leading CEO AI Roadmap workshops.
Quick Background: Mastering AI is not the CEO's job. But learning about the fundamentals and identifying potential implementations is a responsibility that no CEO can afford to shrug off any longer. As Peter Diamandis said at our recent Make BIG Happen Summit, "Everyone’s moving towards AI companies. It is happening now, and it is the most important happening that has ever existed.” You simply can't let challenging ideas and an alphabet soup of acronyms prevent your company from catching this wave.
On today's show, Curt Gooden explains important AI concepts and discusses how CEOs can drive innovation and gain a competitive advantage that will Make BIG Happen.